Climate Change

A recent study found that the effects of climate change could trigger eczema or worsen flare-ups of the skin condition (Image: Getty)

How climate change is impacting skin care NPD

By Kirsty Doolan

As air temperatures continue to rise and more of the world experiences extreme weather conditions, this is likely to negatively impact more people’s skin and create a need for new cosmetics solutions…

Lush has a sense of activism embedded into its culture, from its founders through to everyday employees, which has helped accelerate change [Getty Images]

Sustainable Cosmetics Summit 2022 Paris, France

Lush exec: ‘If you want to make change, hire activists’

By Kacey Culliney

Hiring activists is a sure-fire way to accelerate environmental and sustainable change in a beauty business, and it’s a strategy that has worked well in driving impact at Lush so far, says its earth care strategy lead.


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